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Wednesday, December 9, 2020



 Atheists have a famous classic saying.  If so many scientific facts were mentioned in the Qur'an, why didn't you say them first?  Of course, they know the answer to this question themselves.  Because, for the moment, telling the facts that seem contrary to scientific findings before the discovery of science will attract classical atheist discourses such as "outdated" "unscientific".  Atheists want to excommunicate you with the sword of their Dogma of Incomplete Science in such statements.  But when science proves the truth of what the Qur'an says, you can say it more comfortably in your chest just because the Quran said it.  They say why you didn't say it before, well, the Quran does not say anything new, and those expressions were always there in the Qur'an.  But its reality was not yet understood.

 I saw an example of this again today and witnessed once again the greatness of the Qur'an, as it has repeatedly.  I used to think that the Koran says why the sun and the moon are swimming and I could not find any meaning.  Let's look at the verse:

 Yasin 40: “Neither the sun can reach the moon, nor can it pass day or night.  Each one floats in a cycle. "

 The word "yesbehune" in the verse means swimming.

 But some translation writers will not be able to make sense of the word swimming, as I did, that it did not translate as swimming, wandering etc.  They translated as.  We will soon see that such translations hide the miracles of the Qur'an.

 Then, the same act of swimming is mentioned in Naziat 3.


 1 - To those who pull out with violence,

 2 - For those who are drawn softly,

 3 - Those who swim and swim,

 4 - To those who competed ...

 It is not yet understood what these verses are referring to.  As science progresses, we will probably understand better.  But they are generally associated with space by Qur'anic researchers.  So what does swimming mean in the verse?  The same verb was used as swimming the sun and the moon.  Let's see what this truth is.
 Prof.  Stefano Liberati and Maccione explained in 2014 that the texture of spacetime is fluid, and in fact all space is in some kind of liquid, that is, planets and stars, in short, everything floats in a kind of liquid that we cannot see.  Just as we cannot see the H2O molecules of the water, we cannot see the molecules of this liquid, but the substances behave as if they are floating in the liquid. He adds, "Space is a superfluid according to our calculations."  This super liquid is explained as follows: The viscosity (fluidity) of this liquid is so low that it is almost zero.  The reason we cannot feel this liquid is that it is nearly zero thin.  Because space is in liquid, photons can travel in a wave form.  When you throw a stone into a water, waves are formed because of the fluidity of the liquid.  Likewise, the reason why matter can behave like waves in our universe is the very thin liquid it is in.  This liquid substance is interpreted as ether material.  It has always been a mystery that quantum physics cannot explain the force of gravity.  Prof.  Stefano Liberati says this is because it is ignored that our universe is floating in a liquid.

 All photons float in this space fluid.  It is explained that the reason photons, that is, light can be transported up to billions of light years and behave like a wave, is this liquid.  Yes, the particles of light are floating in this sea of ​​space, just like the Sun and the Moon.  According to the verse, it swims during the day, that is, the photons that come to us during the day also move by swimming.  Yes, this is exactly as scientists report, so if there are particles of the day, they must have particles in the dark of the night.  Because the verse says that the night floats like the day.  If we know that photons, particles of the day, float in the fabric of space-time, the night, that is, the darkness, must also have its own photons.  We have always learned darkness as the absence of light, but obviously it is not, according to the verse, the specific particles of the darkness should float in this sea of ​​space and the photons of the darkness should darken the matter as the photons of the light illuminate the matter.  No particle or photon has yet been found to create darkness, but scientists are looking for a particle very close to this event.  Namely:
 Scientists calculated that there should be dark matter in the universe, and that dark matter should be more than the matter we know.  They predicted that if there is dark matter (there is no doubt that it does) it must be a particle that also darkens this dark matter, and it must provide the darkness in the universe, and they named this particle the dark photon.  This particle should have been responsible for the darkness in the universe, and it was this dark photon that brought dark matter, most of the matter in the universe, into darkness.  In short, photons of light and of darkness in the universe, one responsible for the light in the universe, the other for darkness, and both swim in this sea of ​​space.  Many experiments are being done to see dark matter, but it has not been seen so far.  Some scientists predict that there is not one but multiple different particles that make dark matter dark (see Adam Mann).

 Now look at this verse:

 Isra 12: “But We made the night and the day two proofs;  Then We erased the evidence of the night and made the evidence of the day as a signifier that you may seek grace and grants from your Lord;  And you should know the number and account of the years.  Now we have explained everything in detail. "

 It is written in this verse that the night is an evidence and the day is an evidence.  Just as scientists explain that the particle of light is the photon, and it is the dark photon that makes dark matter dark.  According to what we understand from the verse, if the particle of light, namely the photon, comes, the particle of the dark is erased, that is, the photon leaves the area it has captured or loses its property.  When the photon of the light is taken, the dark photon returns to that area and darkens.  Or it did not go from that area, but its feature was erased and disappeared, when the photon of the light is taken, it continues to exhibit its properties and create darkness.

 In other words, darkness does not only mean the absence of light, it also consists of particles just like the light, and in this state, both of them exhibit the characteristics of floating matter in space.  The proof of this darkness mentioned in the verse must be a particle, just like the photon particle, which is the proof of light.  But we do not know yet whether this particle is the particle that buries the dark matter in the universe into darkness.  Since the dark photon is invisible and has very low energy levels, it is very difficult to detect, perhaps because it contains an energy that we can call negative energy, and it seems to be a lot of work for physicists.  The reality of the particle of darkness, whether it is a dark photon or another particle, will definitely be better understood in the future and the magnitude of the Qur'an will be better understood.

 Scientists are reporting that dark matter is everywhere.  It exists around our world and even around us.  But we cannot see it because it does not interact with the photons of the light.  Stephen Adler of the Princeton Advanced Research Institute calculated that there are 24 trillion tons of dark matter around the Earth and the Moon and published it in the Journal of Physics in October 2017.  So this means that dark photons, which are photons of dark matter, also float around the Earth and around us.  They exist especially at night when there is no light.  And as it is stated in the verse, when photons, which are the evidence of the day, arrive, the dark photons, which are the evidence of darkness, are erased.  Then, when the daytime disappears again, dark photons cover the dark side of the Earth again.  The more the photons of the light come, the brighter they make.

 In summary: We have witnessed four colossal facts in this article.  First, the Qur'an said that the Sun and the Moon were swimming, and we humanity have just come closer to understanding this fact, which may have seemed strange until 6 years ago.  The second is that the Qur'an says that daytime, that is, light, also floats, and indeed, scientists say that photons also float in this liquid.  Third, he describes the day as an entity, and yes, light is also a matter that occupies space with its own particles.  The fourth stated that darkness is an entity just like light, that means it has specific particles just like light.  Today, science also says that dark matter must have a particle that provides darkness, and it is very likely that the photon or another particle that buries dark matter into the dark is responsible for all the darkness in the universe.  Finally, it is obvious that this "liquid space" miracle of the Qur'an and the fact that everything is floating in that liquid is a truly mind-blowing fact.

 We showed the verses (proofs) clearly to a people who believed with certain knowledge.
 Surah Al-Baqarah Verse
 La ilaha illallâhu al-Malikul-hakul-mubîn Muhammad's Messenger of Allah sadikul-vaadil-emîn

 There is no god but Allah, the owner of the true and true universe.  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) reliable and faithful in his word is his messenger.


 Astrophysical Constraints on Planck Scale Dissipative Phenomena, Rev.  Lett.  112, 151301 - Published 14 April 2014. Stefano Liberati and Luca Maccione, DOI: 10.1103 / PhysRevLett.112.151301.
 Adam mann  system / # 1c9922e8352f